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    巨屌 av 【有奖编译】☆☆养分学期刊文摘编译(2006年10-11月)☆☆

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    巨屌 av 【有奖编译】☆☆养分学期刊文摘编译(2006年10-11月)☆☆

    为了主理最新的养分学究诘动态和地点,本版再度开动动态的养分学文摘编译活动。接待大家投入! 文章畴昔源于影响因子较高的养分学期刊和年鉴,也包括新英格兰杂志,Lancet,JAMA等医学期刊,以及science、nature、PNAS等概括期刊。编译及奖励规矩如下:1. 所需要编译的文摘在附件中,认领跟帖即可,允许占位,但占位者七天内需完成所领任务,如未完成则从头认领。为了更多站友参与编译和学习,每位站友(ID)申领翻译篇数不限,但每次最多可审领3篇,待完成后可不绝审领。2. 通盘的编译本体尽量罢黜严复先生的信、达、雅高范例。加分规矩宝石以往的一篇一分的原则;对于崇拜翻译达到以上范例的译文,以及加以言之有物的专科评述,会酌情加分;访佛翻译若是不是显然优于第一位认领翻译者,一般不加分。3. 特意翻译的站友请先认领后另开新贴进行翻译。 4. 本版将会把本版部分原创和翻译的帖子作成静态网页! 参与编译的站友本东说念主及享有其编译作品的著述权,任何机构或个东说念主请勿用于制作出书物。转载请注明出处。 养分版编译10-11.rar (60.06k)1. Maternal antioxidant intake in pregnancy and wheezing illnesses in children at 2 y of age. calendula 站友完成2. Glycemic index and glycemic load in relation to changes in body weight, body fat distribution, and body composition in adult Danes. calendula 站友完成3. Energy expenditure and substrate oxidation predict changes in body fat in children. calendula 站友完成4. Magnesium requirements: new estimations for men and women by cross-sectional statistical analyses of metabolic magnesium balance data. fanqingdong2004站友完成5. Intake of macronutrients as predictors of 5-y changes in waist circumference. by frog20086. Reduced-calorie orange juice beverage with plant sterols lowers C-reactive protein concentrations and improves the lipid profile in human volunteers. fanqingdong2004站友完成7. Effects of binge eating on satiation, satiety, and energy intake of overweight children. lizardye站友完成8. Nutrient intake in community-dwelling adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa and in healthy adolescents.jwhxx站友 已完成9. The effects of the fibre content and physical structure of carrots on satiety and subsequent intakes when eaten as part of a mixed meal.jwhxx站友已完成10. High phosphorus intakes acutely and negatively affect Ca and bone metabolism in a dose-dependent manner in healthy young females. fanqingdong2004站友完成11. Blood indices of selenium and mercury, and their correlations with fish intake, in young people living in Britain. qbx826 站友完成12. Ingestion of onion soup high in quercetin inhibits platelet aggregation and essential components of the collagen-stimulated platelet activation pathway in man: a pilot study. 天降大任 站友完成13. Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods.qbx826 站友完成14. Maternal body composition in relation to infant birth ht and subcutaneous adipose tissue. 天降大任 站友已完成15. Nutrient intake among Chinese women living in Shanghai, China. qbx826 站友完成16. Home use of margarine is an important determinant of plasma trans fatty acid status: a biomarker study. qbx826 站友完成17. Variations in daily intakes of myristic and alpha-linolenic acids in sn-2 position modify lipid profile and red blood cell membrane fluidity. mw5088 站友申领18. Effects of daily ingestion of chilli on serum lipoprotein oxidation in adult men and women. fanqingdong2004站友完成19. Factors influencing blood concentration of retinol, alpha-tocopherol, vitamin C, and beta-carotene in the French participants of the SU.VI.MAX trial.fanqingdong2004站友完成20. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on vitamin D status and bone turnover markers in young adults.fanqingdong2004站友完成21. Fat-soluble vitamins in breast-fed preterm and term infants. 天降大任 站友已完成22. The impact of the addition of toppings/fillings on the glycaemic response to commonly consumed carbohydrate foods. 天降大任 站友已完成23. Socio-demographic influences on food purchasing among Canadian households. lizardye站友申领24. Low maternal vitamin B12 status is associated with intrauterine growth retardation in urban South Indians. 天降大任 站友已完成25. Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet Is Associated with Reduced 3-Year Incidence of Obesity. 天降大任 站友完成26. Poor Compliance with Appropriate Feeding Practices in Children under 2 y in Mexico. lizardye站友申领27. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Adherence Index: Development and Application. lizardye站友完成28. Adults with healthier dietary patterns have healthier beverage patterns. lizardye站友完成29. Distributions of mortality risk attributable to low nutritional status in niakhar, senegal. lizardye站友完成 30. One-third of pregnant and lactating women may not be meeting their folate requirements from diet alone based on mandated levels of folic Acid fortification. 天降大任 站友完成31. Dietary eritadenine suppresses guanidinoacetic Acid-induced hyperhomocysteinemia in rats. zhangxinsheng31站友已完成32. Dietary Genistein Stimulates Anion Secretion Across Female Murine Intestine.zhangxinsheng31站友已完成33. Psychosocial stimulation improves the development of undernourished children in rural Bangladesh.zhangxinsheng31站友已完成34. Milk folate secretion is not impaired during iron deficiency in humans. mw5088 站友已完成35. The USDA Automated Multiple-Pass Method accurately estimates group total energy and nutrient intake. mw5088 站友已完成36. Fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. lizardye站友完成37. Longitudinal changes in food patterns predict changes in weight and body mass index and the effects are greatest in obese women. lizardye站友申领38. A 12-wk egg intervention increases serum zeaxanthin and macular pigment optical density in women. mw5088 站友完成39. Resveratrol is rapidly metabolized in athymic (nu/nu) mice and does not inhibit human melanoma xenograft tumor growth. mw5088 站友完成40. Consumption of one egg per day increases serum lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations in older adults without altering serum lipid and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations. lizardye站友完成41. The USDA Automated Multiple-Pass Method accurately estimates group total energy and nutrient intake. xiaoxiaopeng站友完成42. A More Diversified Diet among Mexican Men May Also Be More Atherogenic. mw5088 站友已完成43. Resting energy expenditure in patients with solid tumors undergoing anticancer therapy. lizardye站友完成44. Effects of peanut oil load on energy expenditure, body composition, lipid profile, and appetite in lean and overweight adults. lizardye站友完成45. Chronic ethanol feeding to rats decreases adiponectin secretion by subcutaneous adipocytes. xiaoxiaopeng站友完成46. Increased resting energy expenditure, fat oxidation and food intake in patients with highly active antiretroviral therapy -associated lipodystrophy. 天降大任 站友已完成47. Ovariectomy Worsens Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Mature Rats during Low Ca Diet. 天降大任 站友已完成48. Incidence of colorectal cancer in relation to glycemic index and load in a cohort of women.qbx826 站友完成49. Associations between catalase phenotype and genotype: modification by epidemiologic factors.qbx826 站友完成50. Meat mutagens and risk of distal colon adenoma in a cohort of U.S. men.zhangxinsheng31站友完成51. Fish intake, contaminants, and human health: evaluating the risks and the benefits. fanqingdong2004站友完成52. The impact of early nutrition in premature infants on later childhood insulin sensitivity and growth.lizardye站友完成53. Heat or eat: the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and nutritional and health risks among children less than 3 years of age.zhangxinsheng31站友完成第五篇:Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Oct;84(4):789-97.Intake of macronutrients as predictors of 5-y changes in waist circumference.Halkjaer J, Tjonneland A, Thomsen BL, Overvad K, Sorensen TI.Danish Epidemiology Science Centre, Institute of Preventive Medicine, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark. jytteh@cancer.dkBACKGROUND: The diet may influence the development of abdominal obesity, but the few studies that have prospectively examined the relations between diet and changes in waist circumference (WC) have given inconsistent results. OBJECTIVE: Associations between total energy intake, energy intake from macronutrients, and energy intake from macronutrient subgroups based on different food sources and 5-y differences in WC (DWC) were investigated. DESIGN: A Danish cohort of 22 570 women and 20 126 men aged 50-64 y with baseline data on WC, diet, BMI, and potential confounders reported their WC 5 y later. Associations of baseline diet with DWC were assessed by multiple linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Neither total energy intake nor energy intake from each of the macronutrients was associated with DWC, except for an inverse association with protein, especially animal protein. In women, positive associations with DWC were seen for carbohydrate from refined grains and potatoes and from foods with simple sugars, whereas carbohydrate from fruit and vegetables was inversely associated and significantly different from any other carbohydrate subgroup. The results for men resembled those for women, although none were significant. Vegetable fat was positively associated with DWC for both men and women in a combined analysis. A U-shaped association between alcohol from wine and DWC was present for both sexes, and alcohol from spirits was positively associated with DWC in women. CONCLUSIONS: Although no significant associations with total energy or energy from fat, carbohydrate, or alcohol were observed, protein intake was inversely related to DWC, and some macronutrient subgroups were significantly associated with DWC.PMID: 17023705 将常量养分素的摄入量看成五年腰身变化的“预告器”配景:饮食不错影响腹部脂肪的堆积,关联词,少有的几项究诘饮食和腰身(WC)变化之间关系的究诘却得到了与其矛盾的成果。目的:究诘总能量摄入、常量养分素能量摄入、不同食物开首的常量养分素亚类能量摄入和腰身五年变化(DWC)之间的研究。遐想:丹麦的一个部队,由22570位女性和20126位男性构成,他们的年事在50-64岁之间,具有他们的WC、饮食和BMI的基线数据并了解了可能的搀杂因子,五年后请问了他们的WC。使用多元线性归来分析评价基线水平的饮食与DWC之间的研究。成果:总能量摄入和各常量养分素摄入均与DWC无关,例外的是,卵白质的摄入量与DWC呈负相干,尤其是动物性卵白。在女性中不错不雅察到,精制谷类和马铃薯中的碳水化物以及含有浅显糖的食物中的碳水化物与DWC呈正相干;而生果和蔬菜中的碳水化物却与DWC呈负相干,况且和其它任何碳水化物亚类显耀不同。男性的成果与女性相似,关联词莫得一项是有显耀性的。概括分析自满,在男性和女性中,蔬菜中的脂类与DWC呈正相干。在两性中均自满巨屌 av,葡萄酒中的乙醇与DWC呈U-型相干巨屌 av,而烈酒中的乙醇与女性DWC呈正相干。论断:自然并未不雅察到总能量摄入或者来自脂肪、碳水化物或乙醇中的能量与DWC有显耀关联巨屌 av,关联词,卵白质摄入量却与DWC呈负相干,况且,一些常量养分素与DWC显耀相干。认领11,15,1615 Br J Nutr. 2006 Aug;96(2):393-9.Nutrient intake among Chinese women living in Shanghai, China.Chen Z, Shu XO, Yang G, Li H, Li Q, Gao YT, Zheng W.It has been increasingly recognized that dietary factors play a major role in the development of chronic diseases, including cancers and CVD. The identification of patterns of nutrient intake in populations with different disease incidence will be helpful in understanding the diet and disease association. The present report describes nutrient intake in 74,810 Chinese women, aged between 40 and 70 years, who participated in a population-based cohort study in Shanghai from 1997 to 2000.A food frequency questionnaire was used to derive estimates of nutrient intakes. The average daily energy intake was 7027.8 kJ in the study population, with protein, fat and carbohydrates contributing 15.9%, 15.6% and 68.5%, respectively. Factors, including younger age, higher income, attainment of education at the college level or above, being married or holding a professional job, were related to higher intake levels of most nutrients. The present results highlight the need for continuing to promote public health strategies aimed at improving the diets of women from both older and lower socio-demographic backgrounds, and in the meantime, continuing to help address the current dearth of data on nutrient intakes for middle-aged and elderly urban Chinese women.PMID: 16923236中国上海女性养分摄入饮食因素在包括肿瘤和心血管病在内的慢性病发生流程中阐明伏击作用,这仍是安宁被东说念主们意识到。通过果决不同疾病发病率东说念主群养分摄入神情成心于究诘饮食和疾病之间的关联。本究诘方法了40-70岁年事段74,810中国女性的饮食摄入情况,这是一个基于东说念主群的部队究诘,究诘而已于1997-2000年间在上海网络。通过饮食看望表进行养分摄入的评估。本究诘东说念主群平均逐日能量摄入为7027.8 kJ,其中卵白质、脂肪、炭水化合物差别占15.9%, 15.6% 和68.5%。低龄、高收入、大学以上文化、已婚或领有固定责任等因素与高养分摄入相干。本究诘进一步自满了鼓吹旨在耕种乐龄和底层妇女饮食的大家卫生存谋的必要性,同期,提供中国中老年城市妇女养分摄入短缺的相干数据。认领43. 44. 5211 Br J Nutr. 2006 Sep;96(3):523-31.Blood indices of selenium and mercury, and their correlations with fish intake, in young people living in Britain.Bates CJ, Prentice A, Birch MC, Delves HT, Sinclair KA.Relationships between Se and Hg in erythrocytes, and between these indices and intakes of fish and other foods, were studied as an adjunct to the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey of young people aged 4-18 years. Hg was measured in 965 packed erythrocyte samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Fe measurements permitted the calculation of whole-blood Hg. Erythrocyte and plasma Se, and 7 d weighed dietary intake estimates, were available. Erythrocyte Hg was positively skewed, normalised by log-transformation. It was 20 % higher in girls than boys (3.17 v. 2.65 nmol/l, P=0.004), and increased with age in boys but not girls. It was directly and strongly correlated with erythrocyte or plasma Se. Hg and Se concentrations were directly correlated with fish intake. Certain other food groups were also directly correlated with Se and Hg concentrations, but less strongly than for fish. The strength and consistency of the relationship between erythrocyte Hg and Se suggests an important chemical link.Previous studies suggest that Se protects against the toxicity of Hg, and that fish is an important source of both.No toxic levels of Hg were found, which is reassuring because of the known health benefits of fish consumption, especially oily fish. Hg intakes need to be monitored, especially in women of child-bearing age, to ensure that Food Standards Agency guidelines are met.PMID: 16925858英国青少年硒和汞的血液目的尽头与鱼类摄入量之间的关系.红血球中硒和汞的目的与鱼类尽头他食物摄入之间的关系是4-18岁青少年英国国度饮食和养分看望(NDNS) 的究诘本体之一。应用同期容纳965份样品的请示耦合等离子质谱进行汞的测定,通过铁的测量进行谋划全血汞谋划,并得回红血球中庸血浆硒含量和一周饮食摄入量。通过LOG转机后红血球中汞的含量呈右正态漫衍。女孩比男孩高20%(3.17 v. 2.65 nmol/l, P=0.004),在男孩中跟着年事增大而升高,况且与红血球或血浆硒平直显耀相干。硒和汞的浓度与鱼类的食用平直相干,其他食物也与硒和汞的浓度也平直相干,关联词强度低于鱼类。红血球中硒和汞的关系强度和一致性自满了伏击的化学链。以往的究诘标明硒不错抗汞毒性,而鱼类是二者的伏击开首。莫得发现Hg含量的超标,这也讲明鱼类特等是油鱼的食用如故相对健康的。汞的摄入的检测特等是在育龄妇女中进行检测是必要的,以确保适合英国食物范例局的范例。16 Br J Nutr. 2006 Aug;96(2):377-83.Home use of margarine is an important determinant of plasma trans fatty acid status: a biomarker study.Skeaff CM, Gowans S.The contribution of the home use of margarines, made with partially hydrogenated vegetables oils, to total trans fatty acid intake is difficult to determine using dietary assessment because food composition databases are incomplete for trans fatty acids; moreover, hidden fats in manufactured foods may be the predominant sources of trans fatty acids. The objective of our study was to determine, using plasma phospholipid trans fatty acid composition as a surrogate measure of exposure, whether the home use of margarine or butter is an important determinant of trans fatty acid status. We conducted a community-based (Dunedin, New Zealand), cross-sectional survey of people who consumed either margarine (n 65) or butter (n 64) but not both for home use. The levels of the 18:1 trans isomers commonly found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils were all significantly higher in the plasma phospholipids of margarine compared with butter consumers, with the exception of 18:1n-7t, which did not differ.Among margarine consume18:1n-7trs, the percentage of total fat from margarine was significantly correlated with levels of phospholipid 18:1n-6t, 18:1n-8t and 18:1n-12/9t isomers (r 0.57-0.63, P<0.001) but only weakly with 18:1n-7t (r 0.30, P=0.016). The intake of fat from fast foods, bakery products or meat and meat products was not associated with plasma phospholipid trans isomeric composition.The home use of margarine, made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, is an important determinant of trans fatty acid exposure in New Zealand.PMID: 16923234家用东说念主造黄油是血浆中反式脂肪酸水平的伏击决定因素:一项生物象征物究诘家用东说念主造黄油是通过植物油部分氢化制造而成,其难以进行反式脂肪酸摄入的评估,因为食物构成数据库中并不包括反式脂肪酸。此外,东说念主造食物中的隐形脂肪可能是反式脂肪酸的主要开首。本究诘的目的等于应用血浆磷脂反式脂肪酸因素看成判辨测量目的,以详情家用东说念主造黄油和黄油哪一种是反式脂肪酸水平的决定因素。咱们进行了一个社区东说念主群(新西兰达尼丁)的横断面看望,这些东说念主群领受东说念主造黄油或黄油看成家用,但二者不可混用。与食用黄油者比拟,植物油部分氢化的东说念主造黄油食用者其18反式异构体血浆磷脂水平显耀升高。剔除18:1n-7t后,成果莫得发生变化。在东说念主造黄油食用者中,东说念主造黄油中全脂含量与磷脂异构体18:1n-6t, 18:1n-8t 和 18:1n-12/9t的水平相干(r 0.57-0.63, P<0.001),仅在18:1n-7trs中先对较弱(r 0.30, P=0.016)。速食食物、面包食物或肉类及肉成品的摄入与血浆磷脂反式异构体的构成无关。植物油部分氢化而来的东说念主造家用黄油是新西兰东说念主群反式脂肪酸的主要判辨开首。仍是按照版主要求修改达成,并分红一篇翻译一帖。请版主果决!谢谢!认领13、48、4913 Br J Nutr. 2006 Sep;96(3):476-81.Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods.Bahado-Singh PS, Wheatley AO, Ahmad MH, Morrison EY, Asemota HN.Glycaemic index (GI) values for fourteen commonly eaten carbohydrate-rich foods processed by various methods were determined using ten healthy subjects. The foods studied were round leaf yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis), negro and lucea yams (Dioscorea rotundata), white and sweet yams (Dioscorea alata), sweet potato (Solanum tuberosum), Irish potato (Ipomoea batatas), coco yam (Xanthosoma spp.), dasheen (Colocasia esculenta), pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata), breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), green banana (Musa sapientum), and green and ripe plantain (Musa paradisiaca).The foods were processed by boiling, frying, baking and roasting where applicable. Pure glucose was used as the standard with a GI value of 100. The results revealed marked differences in GI among the different foods studied ranging from 35 (se 3) to 94 (se 8).The area under the glucose response curve and GI value of some of the roasted and baked foods were significantly higher than foods boiled or fried (P<0.05). The results indicate that foods processed by roasting or baking may result in higher GI. Conversely, boiling of foods may contribute to a lower GI diet.PMID: 16925852 食物加工神情影响西部印第安东说念主常吃的一些富含碳水化合物食物的血糖生成指数通过10个健康个体评估不同加工神情束缚后的14种富含碳水化合物食物的血糖生成指数(GI),究诘的食物包括原叶黄山药(薯蓣属黄山药),黑头山药(薯蓣属圆山药),白色甜山药(薯蓣属田薯),红薯(马铃薯),白马铃薯(甘薯),可可薯(箭叶黄体竽),芋头(芋),南瓜(葫芦科南瓜属),面包果(面包果),未熟香蕉(芭蕉属),未熟或熟谙大蕉(甘蕉),这些食物通过合理煮、煎、烤、烘神情进行束缚。选择纯葡萄糖看成GI范例品,设定其值为100。究诘自满不同食物的血糖生成指数各异显耀,从35到94不等。烘烤食物其葡萄糖弧线底下积和血糖生成指数均显耀高于蒸煮的食物(P<0.05)。究诘成果标明食物通过烘烤神情束缚后不错导致血糖生成指数升高。与此相背,食物通过煮的神情不错导致较低的血糖生成指数。48 Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2006 May;15(5):892-6.Incidence of colorectal cancer in relation to glycemic index and load in a cohort of women.McCarl M, Harnack L, Limburg PJ, Anderson KE, Folsom AR.Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Suite 300, 1300 South Second Street, Minneapolis, MN 55454-1015, USA.BACKGROUND: Dietary glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) affect circulating insulin concentrations. Elevated circulating insulin concentrations can increase insulin-like growth factor-1, and both of these hormones may have growth-promoting effects within the colorectum. METHODS: We examined associations of GI and GL with colorectal cancer (CRC) among participants in the Iowa Women's Health Study (n = 35,197; ages 55-69 years at baseline in 1986). Over 15 years of follow-up, we identified 757 cases of colon cancer and 209 cases of rectal cancer (954 CRC cases).RESULTS: Overall, neither GI nor GL were significantly associated with incident CRC. However, among obese women (baseline body mass index >/=30 kg/m(2)) CRC incidence was increased in the highest versus lowest quintiles of GI (relative risk, 1.66; 95% confidence intervals, 1.13-2.43; P for trend = 0.02) and GL (relative risk, 1.79; confidence intervals, 1.19-2.70; P for trend < 0.01).This pattern of increased risk for obese women with high GI or GL tended to hold for both colon cancer and rectal cancer, and for nondiabetic women as well. No statistically significant associations were observed between GI or GL and CRC among subjects whose baseline body mass index was <30 kg/m(2). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that high GI or GL are not major CRC risk factors among older women in general, but may increase CRC risk among women who are obese.PMID: 16702366结直肠癌的发病率与血糖生成指数和血糖生成负荷的关系:一项妇女部队究诘配景:食物的血糖生成指数(GI)和血糖生成负荷(GL)不错影响血液胰岛素水平,而血液胰岛素水平的升高不错增多胰岛素样助长因子1的水平,这两种激素在结直肠中均具有促进细胞助长的作用。措施:本究诘通过爱荷华州妇女健康究诘( 1986年:n = 35,197;年事 55-69 岁 )探讨结直肠癌与GI 和GL的关系。通过15年的随访,共发现757例结肠癌和209例直肠癌(954例结直肠癌)。成果:GI 和GL均与结直肠癌的发生不存在显耀关联,关联词,与处于GI下四分位的肥美妇女比,处于GI上四分位间距的肥美妇女其患结直肠癌的危机显耀增多(相对危机度:1.79; 95%确凿区间:1.19-2.70; 趋势性考验P< 0.01)。高GI 和GL的肥美妇女其患结肠癌和直肠癌的危机均增多,对非糖尿病妇女相通如斯。而在BMI <30 kg/m(2)的妇女中GI 或GL与结肠癌和直肠癌的发生均不存在关联。论断:咱们的成果自满高GI 或GL水平并不显耀增多老年妇女结肠癌的发病风险,但在肥美妇女中结肠癌的发病风险显耀增多。49Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2006 Jun;15:1217-22.Associations between catalase phenotype and genotype: modification by epidemiologic factors.Ahn J, Nowell S, McCann SE, Yu J, Carter L, Lang NP, Kadlubar FF, Ratnasinghe LD, Ambrosone CB.Department of Epidemiology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Elm and Carlton Streets, Buffalo, NY 14263, USA.Catalase is an endogenous antioxidant enzyme that neutralizes hydrogen peroxide and is induced by oxidative challenge. A -262C --> T polymorphism in the promoter region of the gene (CAT) is associated with risk of several conditions related to oxidative stress. We sought to determine the functional effects of the CAT polymorphism on enzyme activity in erythrocytes and the potential modifying effects of demographic and lifestyle factors on genotype/phenotype relationships, using specimens and data from controls from breast and prostate cancer studies in Arkansas (n = 420). There was a dose-response reduction in catalase activity by genotype, with geometric means of 115.4 units/mg hemoglobin for those with CC genotypes, 82.1 units/mg for those with CT genotypes, and 73.5 units/mg for those with TT genotypes. Associations were only observed among Caucasians (P < 0.0001), with no effects among African Americans (P = 0.91), and were stronger among women than men, although numbers in stratified analyses were small. Differences in catalase activity by genotype were most pronounced among those in the highest tertiles of consumption of fruits and vegetables (-35%, P = 0.003), with weaker relationships among those who were lower consumers (-21.8%, P = 0.16). Among those with CC genotypes, there was no change in activity by consumption, but there were notable decreases in activity by tertiles of consumption for those with at least one T allele. These data indicate that the CAT -262C --> T polymorphism predicts a portion of catalase phenotype, which may be limited to Caucasians. Associations between genotype and phenotype were modified by dietary factors, illustrating the biochemical complexity of studies of genetic polymorphisms and disease risk.PMID: 16775184流行病学而已更正的过氧化氢酶基因型和表型的关联究诘过氧化氢酶是一种内源性的抗氧化酶,不错扼制氢过氧化物并不错受到氧化请示,其基因(CAT)启动子区-252C > T的基因多态与多种氧化济急的相干状态相干。本究诘应用阿肯色州乳腺癌和前哨腺癌究诘 (n = 420)的标本和数据探讨CAT基因多态的功能与红血球中酶的活性的关系以及东说念主口学而已和生活因素的潜在效应与基因型/表型的关系。成果自满CC基因型佩戴者血红素水平的几何均数为115.4 units/mg,CT 为82.1 units/mg,TT为73.5 units/mg,呈剂量反应关系。仅在高加索东说念主群不雅察到了这种关联(P < 0.0001),在非裔好意思国东说念主则不存在 (P = 0.91),尽管分层分析后样本量小关联词这种关联在女性组显耀高于男性组。不同基因型的过氧化氢酶活性在蔬菜生果的高摄入组尤其显然(-35%, P = 0.003), 而在低摄入组关联则较低(-21.8%, P = 0.16)。在CC佩戴者中,摄入量不同其过氧化氢酶活性变化不大,而在至少佩戴一个T等位基因组,摄入组的过氧化氢酶活性显耀下落。这些数据标明,CAT -262C > T基因多态不错讨论氧化氢酶的表型,这一成果可能仅适用于高加索东说念主群。饮食因素可能不错退换基因型/表型之间的关系,这也进一步讲明了基因多态与疾病关联究诘的生物学复杂性。认领32、36、4032 J Nutr. 2006 Nov;136(11):2785-2790.Dietary Genistein Stimulates Anion Secretion Across Female Murine Intestine.Al-Nakkash L, Clarke LL, Rottinghaus GE, Chen YJ, Cooper K, Rubin LJ.Department of Physiology and 3Department of Biomedical Sciences, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ 85308; 4Department of Biomedical Sciences of the College of Veterinary Medicine, 5Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, 6Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory of the College of Veterinary Medicine, 7Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology of the College of Medicine, and 8Center for Gender Physiology and Environmental Adaptation, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. In this study, we examined whether chronic dietary exposure to 600 mg/kg genistein (600 G) for 1 mo would stimulate anion secretion across wild-type (Wt, normal) murine intestine.Genistein, a naturally occurring isoflavone, augments in vitro epithelial anion transport via activation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator chloride channel. Anion secretion was assessed in freshly excised segments of murine jejuna by measuring short circuit current (I(sc)) and comparing with jejunal segments from mice fed 0 mg/kg genistein (0 G). Basal and forskolin-stimulated anion secretions were augmented (P < 0.05) in female but not in male mice fed 600 G, compared with their counterparts fed 0 G. Serum genistein concentrations were greater in both female and male mice fed 600 G ( approximately 3.5-6.9 mumol/L) than those fed 0 G ( approximately 100 nmol/L). Anion substitution experiments and bumetanide-sensitivity demonstrated that chloride was the major anion mediating the increased secretion. A smaller bicarbonate component was not augmented by consumption of the genistein diet. These data indicate that chronic exposure to dietary genistein stimulates a sex-dependent increase in basal and forskolin-stimulated chloride secretion across murine intestine.PMID: 17056801 染料木素的摄入不错刺激老鼠小肠阴离子的分泌染料木素是一种自然的异黄酮,在体外通度日化膜纤维化跨膜转运退换氯离子通说念增多上皮阴离子的转运。本究诘不雅察对野生老鼠(Wt, 正常)进行一个月的慢性染料木素600 mg/kg(600 G)的喂饲,能否刺激老鼠小肠阴离子的分泌。通过测量清新切割小肠管片断的短路电流评估阴离子的分泌并与莫得喂食染料木素的老鼠(0 G)进行比较。与莫得喂食染料木素的老鼠比拟,喂食600 G后,在雌性老鼠其基础和福司可林刺激阴离子分泌均增强 (P < 0.05),而在雄性老鼠则莫得这种变化。与莫得喂食染料木素的老鼠 ( 约 100 nmol/L)比拟,喂食600 G后雌性和雄性老鼠染料木素血净水平均升高( 约 3.5-6.9 mumol/L)。阴离子置换实验和丁尿酸明锐实验均自满氯离子是增多分泌的主要阴离子,含有少许的碳酸钠进食染料木素后并不增多阴离子的分泌。这些数据标明染料木素的慢性摄入不错导致老鼠小肠基础和福司可林刺激阴离子的分泌性别特异性的升高。40J Nutr. 2006 Oct;136(10):2519-24.Consumption of one egg per day increases serum lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations in older adults without altering serum lipid and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.Goodrow EF, Wilson TA, Houde SC, Vishwanathan R, Scollin PA, Handelman G, Nicolosi RJ.Lutein and zeaxanthin accumulate in the macular pigment of the retina, and are reported to be associated with a reduced incidence of age-related macular degeneration. A rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin in the American diet is the yolk of chicken eggs. Thus, the objective of the study was to investigate the effect of consuming 1 egg/d for 5 wk on the serum concentrations of lutein, zeaxanthin, lipids, and lipoprotein cholesterol in individuals >60 y of age.In a randomized cross-over design, 33 men and women participated in the 18-wk study, which included one run-in and one washout period of no eggs prior to and between two 5-wk interventions of either consuming 1 egg or egg substitute/d. Serum lutein 26% (P < 0.001) and zeaxanthin 38% (P < 0.001) concentrations increased after 5-wk of 1 egg/d compared with the phase prior to consuming eggs. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides were not affected. These findings indicate that in older adults, 5 wk of consuming 1 egg/d significantly increases serum lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations without elevating serum lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.PMID: 16988120老年东说念主每天食用一个鸡蛋不错增多血清叶黄素和玉米黄质的水平但并不更动血脂和血清胆固醇的含量 叶黄素和玉米黄质不错在视网膜黄斑区聚合,不错导致年事相干的黄斑退化的发病风险下落。在好意思国叶黄素和玉米黄质的丰富开首是鸡蛋蛋黄。因此,本究诘的目的是探讨承接5周每天均吃一个鸡蛋大于60岁的个体中血清中世黄素、玉米黄质、脂类、脂卵白和胆固醇的浓度。领受马上横断面究诘,33名男性和女性参与了这个络续18周的究诘,包括两个5周烦嚣期前和中间的洗宽限,在此工夫参与者不可食用鸡蛋,在烦嚣期参与者必须每天食用一个鸡蛋或其等价替代品。与5周烦嚣前的叶黄素和玉米黄质血净水平比拟,前者在烦嚣后升高了26% (P < 0.001)后者升高了38% (P < 0.001)。而血清总胆固醇,LDL,HDL和甘油三脂的浓度均不受影响。 这些成果标明,老年东说念主承接5周每天食用一个鸡蛋不错增多血清叶黄素和玉米黄质的浓度,而并不增多血脂和血清胆固醇的含量。眷顾 -mumucao screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=150 height=150 title="Click to view full 百分.JPG (150 X 150)" border=0 align=absmiddle>多谢版主mumucao!圣诞满足!!!44 Nutrition. 2006 Jun;22:585-92.Effects of peanut oil load on energy expenditure, body composition, lipid profile, and appetite in lean and overweight adults.Coelho SB, de Sales RL, Iyer SS, Bressan J, Costa NM, Lokko P, Mattes R.Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Vicosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. sandrablunck@yahoo.comOBJECTIVE: We evaluated the effects of peanut oil intake on appetite, energy expenditure, body composition, and lipid profile in lean and overweight adults. METHODS: In a parallel-arm, long-term feeding trial, lean and overweight participants received a daily peanut oil load in a milk shake equivalent to 30% of their resting energy expenditure for 8 wk. Forty-eight adults (24 lean and 24 overweight, 12 male and 12 female in each group) completed the protocol. Anthropometric indices, appetite, dietary intake, energy expenditure, and plasma lipids were monitored. RESULTS: Energy intake increased significantly in the overweight but not in the lean participants. A statistically significant body weight gain (median 2.35 kg) was also observed among the overweight subjects, although this corresponded to only 43% of the theoretical weight gain. Among overweight subjects, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol increased significantly and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased at week 4, but neither concentration was significantly different from baseline at week 8. Similar, but less marked, changes were observed in lean subjects. Resting energy expenditure was 5% greater (P < 0.01) in the overweight group, but no significant difference was observed in the lean subjects. No marked differences of appetite were observed over time in either group or between overweight and lean participants. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that ingestion of peanut oil elicits a weaker compensatory dietary response among overweight compared with lean individuals. Body weight increased, albeit less than theoretically predicted. The weaker effect of whole nuts on body weight reported in previous studies suggests components other than oil may be responsible.PMID: 16704951花生油在能量花消、体格因素、油脂肪、口感方面的影响对于瘦东说念主和超重的成东说念主 目的:咱们评价花生油在口感、能量花消、体格因素和油脂方面的影响对于瘦东说念主和超重的成东说念主。措施:在同期弥远的摄入的食物的实验中,瘦东说念主和超重的受试者给与每天的花生油,其量等于他们基础代谢的百分之三十,以等量牛奶的神情况且络续八周,48个成东说念主(24个瘦东说念主、24个超重、12个男性、12个女性在每个组中)完成有策划。东说念主体测量指数、口感、饮食摄入、能量花消和血脂皆被监控。成果:能量摄入在超重成东说念主中显耀增多,而在瘦东说念主受试者中不增多。统计上显耀的分量增多(中值2.35千克)在超重受试者中,尽管即相配于表面分量增多的43%。在超重的受试者中,高密度脂卵白胆固醇显耀增多和低密度脂卵白胆固醇下落在第4周,关联词两者皆显然不同于第8周的基线,相似的和不显耀的更动在瘦的受试者中。基础代谢率在超重组大于5%(p小于0.01),关联词在瘦组莫得显然不同,两组在适于方面莫得显然不同,论断:数据标明花生油的摄取引起细小的抵偿性饮食反应在超重组,对比瘦组。体格分量增多少于表面上的讨论。体格体重的增多的细小作用在先前的究诘中标明因素而不是油对其起作用。52 The impact of early nutrition in premature infants on later childhood insulin sensitivity and growth.Regan FM, Cutfield WS, Jefferies C, Robinson E, Hofman PL.OBJECTIVES: Children born prematurely have decreased insulin sensitivity. The etiology of this insulin resistance is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate infant nutrition and its influence on insulin sensitivity and postnatal growth in children born < or = 32 weeks' gestation. METHODS: A total of 56 healthy, developmentally normal, prepubertal children, aged 4 to 10 years were recruited. Thirty-seven were born < or = 32 weeks' gestation, and 19 were control subjects born at term with a birth weight > 10th percentile. Insulin sensitivity (10(-4) min(-1) microU/mL) was calculated from a 90-minute frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test. Perinatal, nutritional, and growth data were obtained retrospectively from both neonatal and early infancy records in the premature cohort. RESULTS: Children born prematurely had decreased insulin sensitivity when compared with those born at term (13.8 vs 30.6). Neonatal nutrition was not correlated with insulin sensitivity; however, all of the infants had inadequate protein in the first month followed by excessive fat intake thereafter. Premature children with greater weight gain had lower insulin sensitivity. Higher carbohydrate intake in the first month of life was associated with greater weight gain from birth. No relationship was seen between weight gain and either protein or lipid intake. CONCLUSIONS: Prematurely born children are insulin resistant and have suboptimal neonatal nutrition. Greater childhood weight gain magnifies this reduction in insulin sensitivity and seems to be associated with early nutrition. We speculate that a high carbohydrate neonatal diet may lead to greater weight gain and a greater reduction in insulin sensitivity in this group.PMID: 17079565 早期婴儿养分对儿童后期胰岛素明锐性和助长的影响目的:孩子过早出身增多胰岛素的明锐性,这个胰岛素违背的病因学上不明晰,这个究诘的方针是去评估婴儿的养分和它对胰岛素的影响,及孩子出死后的后天影响小于或者等于32周的孕珠。措施:56个健康发育正常的芳华期前的孩子,年事在4岁在10岁之间,七分之三的孩子小于32周孕珠和19个贬抑个体一世辰首要于10个百分点,胰岛素明锐性10毫升的值,是从90分钟样本静脉葡萄糖哑忍测试中得出。再行生儿和婴儿记忆性地得回养分和增长数据再早熟组。成果:孩子过早出身的胰岛素明锐性裁减当对比出身在(13.8对30.6)学期。重生儿的养分和胰岛素的明锐性无关,关联词,通过过量的脂肪摄入通盘的婴儿在第一个月有不及的卵白质。质料增多的早熟孩子有低的胰岛素明锐性。在第一个月较高碳水化合物摄入和分量增多相干。分量增多和卵白质或脂类的摄入无关。论断:过早出身的孩子有胰岛素违背性和不睬思的重生儿养分。儿童时间分量增多夸大了胰岛素明锐性的裁减,省略和早期养分研究。咱们估计高的碳水化合物饮食可能导致分量增多,胰岛素的明锐性显然减少。43 Nutrition. 2006 Jun;22:609-15.Resting energy expenditure in patients with solid tumors undergoing anticancer therapy.Reeves MM, Battistutta D, Capra S, Bauer J, Davies PS.Centre for Health Research, School of Public Health, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. mreeves@qldcancer.com.auOBJECTIVE: Few studies have investigated the resting energy expenditure (REE) of, or determined the individual predictive accuracy of prediction equations in, cancer patients undergoing anticancer therapy. This study compared the measured REE of patients with cancer undergoing anticancer therapy with (1) healthy subjects and (2) REE estimated from commonly used prediction methods. METHODS: Resting energy expenditure was measured in 18 cancer patients and 17 healthy subjects by using indirect calorimetry under standard conditions and was estimated from seven prediction methods. Fat-free mass (FFM) was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Data were analyzed with regression modeling to adjust REE for FFM. Agreement between measured and predicted REE values was analyzed using the Bland-Altman approach. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in FFM-adjusted REE between cancer patients and healthy subjects (mean difference 10%). Limits of agreement were wide for all prediction methods in estimating REE as much as 40% below and up to 30% above measured REE. CONCLUSIONS: REE in cancer patients undergoing anticancer therapies does not appear to be as high as commonly thought. None of the prediction equations examined were acceptable for predicting REE of individual cancer patients or healthy subjects.PMID: 16704954 碰到抗癌调整的固体肿瘤病东说念主的基础能量代谢 目的:很少究诘看望基础能量代谢对碰到抗癌调整的癌症病东说念主。这个究诘对比碰到抗癌调整的癌症病东说念主的基础代谢率和健康的受试者,及往往使用的讨论的措施评估基础能量代谢。措施:测量18个癌症病东说念主的基础能量代谢和使用辗转的热量测定17健康个体在范例的条款下,况且用7种讨论的措施进行评估。脂肪解放块是通过生物电阻分析测量的。数据是通过递减的模式来调整基础能量代谢息争放脂肪块。测量的和讨论的基础能量代谢是通过使用bland-altman的措施进行测量的。成果:解放脂肪块调整的基础能量代谢在癌症病东说念主和健康个体之间莫得显然不同(平均10%不同)。在评估低于40%和高于30%的基础能量代谢时,泛泛的截止性一致为通盘讨论的措施。论断:碰到抗癌调整的癌症病东说念主的基础能量代谢看上去不得当往往思象的一样高。对于癌症病东说念主或者健康个体的讨论基础能量代谢,莫得一个被考验的讨论相配不错给与。认领 40 36 29认领1,2,3楼下的帖子我奈何不可剪辑,真的异事,是我发的吗?最近有点忙,好久没来了,思不到我的认领还在。在此向版主mumucao说声对不起了,不好真义。当今赋闲了一些,保证两天内保质保量完成任务!不可拖大家的后腿!认领4,636 Fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis of cohort studies.Dauchet L, Amouyel P, Hercberg S, Dallongeville J.The consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with a reduced rate of coronary heart disease (CHD) in observational cohorts. The purpose of this study was to assess the strength of this association in a meta-analysis. Cohort studies were selected if they reported relative risks (RRs) and 95% CI for coronary heart disease or mortality and if they presented a quantitative assessment of fruit and vegetable intake. The pooled RRs were calculated for each additional portion of fruit and/or vegetables consumed per day, and the linearity of the associations were examined. Nine studies were eligible for inclusion in the meta-analysis that consisted of 91,379 men, 129,701 women, and 5,007 CHD events. The risk of CHD was decreased by 4% [RR (95% CI): 0.96 (0.93-0.99), P = 0.0027] for each additional portion per day of fruit and vegetable intake and by 7% [0.93 (0.89-0.96), P < 0.0001] for fruit intake. The association between vegetable intake and CHD risk was heterogeneous (P = 0.0043), more marked for cardiovascular mortality [0.74 (0.75-0.84), P < 0.0001] than for fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarction [0.95 (0.92-0.99), P = 0.0058]. Visual inspection of the funnel plot suggested a publication bias, although not statistically significant. Therefore, the reported RRs are probably overestimated. This meta-analysis of cohort studies shows that fruit and vegetable consumption is inversely associated with the risk of CHD. The causal mechanism of this association, however, remains to be demonstrated. 生果和蔬菜的摄入和冠心病的危机:第二究诘组生果和蔬菜和减少冠心病发生率之间相干。这个究诘的究诘目的等于评估它们之间研究强度。 相干的疾病、95%冠心病、亏蚀率和生果、蔬菜在数目上评估。谋划每天摄入生果和蔬菜的相干疾病,9个究诘适合条款,91379个男东说念主、129701个女东说念主和5007个冠心病东说念主。通过每天补充生果和蔬菜,冠心病的发病率减小4%;通过补充生果冠心病的发病率减小7% 。蔬菜和冠心病的发病率是不同类型的,心血管亏蚀率比致命的非致命的心肌梗死各显耀。统计上尽管不显然,视觉上查验标明大家的偏见。因此,疾病发生率可能被高估。究诘成果标明:生果和蔬菜的摄入和冠心病的发病率发生呈反比关系。关联词,这个关系的讲明注解还需进一步论证。4 Magnesium requirements: new estimations for men and women by cross-sectional statistical analyses of metabolic magnesium balance data.Hunt CD, Johnson LK.US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center, Grand Forks, ND 58202-9034, USA. chunt@gfhnrc.ars.usda.govBACKGROUND: Current recommendations for magnesium requirements are based on sparse balance data. OBJECTIVE: To provide new estimates of the average magnesium requirement for men and women, we pooled magnesium data from 27 different tightly controlled balance studies conducted at the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center, Grand Forks, ND. DESIGN: Magnesium balance data (magnesium intake - [fecal magnesium + urinary magnesium]) (664 data points) were collected from 243 subjects (women: n = 150; weight: 71.6 +/- 16.5 kg; age: 51.3 +/- 17.4 y; men: n = 93, weight: 76.3 +/- 12.5 kg; age: 28.1 +/- 8.1 y). Data from the last 6-14 d of each dietary period (> or =28 d) of each study were analyzed and were excluded if individual intakes of calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, or zinc fell below respective estimated average requirements (EARs) or exceeded 99th percentiles of usual intakes of those elements (iron: above the upper limit) from the 1994 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. Daily intakes of magnesium ranged between 84 and 598 mg. The relation between magnesium intake and magnesium output was investigated by fitting random coefficient models. RESULTS: The models predicted neutral magnesium balance [defined as magnesium output (Y) equal to magnesium intake (M)] at magnesium intakes of 165 mg/d [95% prediction interval (PI): 113, 237 mg/d; Y = 19.8 + 0.880 M], 2.36 mg . kg(-1) . d(-1) (95% PI: 1.58, 3.38 mg . kg(-1) . d(-1); Y = 0.306 + 0.870 M), or 0.075 mg . kcal(-1) . d(-1) (95% PI: 0.05, 0.11 mg . kcal(-1) . d(-1); Y = 0.011 + 0.857 M). Neither age nor sex affected the relation between magnesium intake and output. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest a lower magnesium requirement for healthy men and women than estimated previously.PMID: 17023712通过横断面究诘分析成东说念主镁代谢均衡数据估算的新的镁需求量配景:刻下推选的镁需求量是基于很少的镁代谢均衡数据究诘的成果.目的:为了评估成东说念主镁需求量,咱们把好意思国东说念主体养分究诘中心率领的27个不同严格贬抑饮食均衡究诘纳入.实验遐想:从243个受试者网络镁代谢数据(镁摄入和排出量(尿,粪)664个数据),其中妇女150东说念主(体重71.6±16.5 kg,平均年事51.3±17.4 y)男性93东说念主(体重76.3±12.5 kg,平均年事28.1±8.1 y),网络各自饮食时间(≧28 d)的终末6-14天的数据.排斥范例①个体钙,铁,铜,磷,锌摄取量在平均需要量以下.②摄取这些元素跳跃庸俗量第99百分位点.从1994年开动,食物摄取元素量个东说念主承接测量.镁的摄取量畛域84 - 598 mg,用未必所有模子软件究诘镁摄入与排出的关系.成果:该模子讨论镁均衡中位摄入量165 mg/d [95% prediction interval (PI): 113, 237 mg/d; Y = 19.8 + 0.880 M], 2.36 mg . kg(-1) . d(-1) (95% PI: 1.58, 3.38 mg . kg(-1) . d(-1); Y = 0.306 + 0.870 M), or 0.075 mg . kcal(-1) . d(-1) (95% PI: 0.05, 0.11 mg . kcal(-1) . d(-1); Y = 0.011 + 0.857 M),年事与性别对其无影响.论断:较以往推选量比较,咱们的究诘发现需要裁减镁需求量6 Reduced-calorie orange juice beverage with plant sterols lowers C-reactive protein concentrations and improves the lipid profile in human volunteers.Devaraj S, Autret BC, Jialal I.Laboratory for Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Research and General Clinical Research Center, University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA. sridevi.devaraj@ucdmc.ucdavis.eduBACKGROUND: Dietary plant sterols effectively reduce LDL cholesterol when incorporated into fat matrices. We showed previously that supplementation with orange juice containing plant sterols (2 g/d) significantly reduced LDL cholesterol. Inflammation is pivotal in atherosclerosis. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), the prototypic marker of inflammation, is a cardiovascular disease risk marker; however, there is a paucity of data on the effect of plant sterols on CRP concentrations. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine whether plant sterols affect CRP concentrations and the lipoprotein profile when incorporated into a reduced-calorie (50 calories/240 mL) orange juice beverage. DESIGN: Seventy-two healthy subjects were randomly assigned to receive a reduced-calorie orange juice beverage either without (Placebo Bev) or with (1 g/240 mL; Sterol Bev) plant sterols twice a day with meals for 8 wk. Fasting blood was obtained at baseline and after 8 wk of Placebo Bev or Sterol Bev supplementation. RESULTS: Sterol Bev supplementation significantly reduced total cholesterol (5%; P < 0.01) and LDL cholesterol (9.4%; P < 0.001) compared with both baseline and Placebo Bev (P < 0.05). HDL cholesterol increased significantly with Sterol Bev (P < 0.02). No significant changes in triacylglycerol, glucose, or liver function tests were observed with Sterol Bev. Sterol Bev supplementation resulted in no significant change in vitamin E and carotenoid concentrations. Sterol Bev supplementation resulted in a significant reduction of CRP concentrations compared with baseline and Placebo Bev (median reduction: 12%; P < 0.005). CONCLUSION: Supplementation with a reduced-calorie orange juice beverage containing plant sterols is effective in reducing CRP and LDL cholesterol and could be incorporated into the dietary portion of therapeutic lifestyle changes.PMID: 17023701低卡路里橙汁饮料添加植物甾醇裁减c反应卵白浓度和改善脂卵白抒发 配景:在脂肪饮食中加入植物甾醇不错灵验裁减低密度脂卵白.咱们往常究诘发当今橙汁加入植物甾醇看成补充给药不错显耀裁减LDL.动脉粥样硬化症的伏击机制是慢性炎症反应.而看成象征物的c反应卵白(hs-CRP),亦然讨论心血管疾病危机因素的象征物.关联词,对于植物甾醇对CRP影响的文件罕有报说念.目的:本究诘考证添加植物甾醇的低卡路里橙汁饮料能否影响c反应卵白浓度和脂卵白抒发.实验遐想:72健康受试者被未必分为两组.一组低卡路里橙汁+安危剂,另一组低卡路里橙汁+植物甾醇(1 g/240 mL),吃饭时饮用,2/日,承接8周.开动实验前和8周后抽空心血考验.成果:加植物甾醇组与服用前和安危剂组总胆固醇显然裁减,低密度脂卵白显然裁减,高密度脂卵白显耀升高,在加植物甾醇组甘油三脂,血糖,肝功未见显然更动. 植物甾醇未引起血浆VitE和类胡萝卜素浓度的变化. 加植物甾醇组血浆CRP浓度显耀裁减, 与服用前和安危剂组比较.论断: 饮用含植物甾醇的低卡路里橙汁饮料法对裁减CRP与LDL是灵验的,并将饮食与调整如胶投漆.40 Consumption of one egg per day increases serum lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations in older adults without altering serum lipid and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.Goodrow EF, Wilson TA, Houde SC, Vishwanathan R, Scollin PA, Handelman G, Nicolosi RJ.Lutein and zeaxanthin accumulate in the macular pigment of the retina, and are reported to be associated with a reduced incidence of age-related macular degeneration. A rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin in the American diet is the yolk of chicken eggs. Thus, the objective of the study was to investigate the effect of consuming 1 egg/d for 5 wk on the serum concentrations of lutein, zeaxanthin, lipids, and lipoprotein cholesterol in individuals >60 y of age. In a randomized cross-over design, 33 men and women participated in the 18-wk study, which included one run-in and one washout period of no eggs prior to and between two 5-wk interventions of either consuming 1 egg or egg substitute/d. Serum lutein 26% (P < 0.001) and zeaxanthin 38% (P < 0.001) concentrations increased after 5-wk of 1 egg/d compared with the phase prior to consuming eggs. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides were not affected. These findings indicate that in older adults, 5 wk of consuming 1 egg/d significantly increases serum lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations without elevating serum lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.PMID: 16988120 每天摄入一个鸡蛋能增多老年东说念主的血清叶黄素和玉米黄质浓度,同期为更动血脂和脂卵白胆固醇浓度在视网膜雀斑色素中堆积叶黄素和玉米黄质,据报说念能灵验减少和年事相干的雀斑恶化的发生。鸡蛋蛋黄是黄素和玉米黄质的主要开首在好意思国饮食结构中。因此,究诘的目的是看望五周每天摄入一个鸡蛋对血清黄素、玉米黄质、脂类、脂卵白胆固醇浓度的影响,通盘的首饰对象皆大于60岁。未必登第33个男女投入18周究诘,5周的1个鸡蛋或者鸡蛋的替代物。血清叶黄素26%(P < 0.001)和玉米黄质38% (P < 0.001)浓度增多在5周每天一个鸡蛋,与先前摄入鸡蛋对比。血浆中总胆固醇、低密度脂卵白、高密度脂卵白和甘油三酯莫得影响。这些发现标明5周每天摄入1个鸡蛋的老年东说念主显然增多血清叶黄素和玉米黄质浓度,况且血脂和脂卵白胆固醇浓度莫得增多。29 Distributions of mortality risk attributable to low nutritional status in niakhar, senegal.Garenne M, Maire B, Fontaine O, Briend A.IRD and Institut Pasteur, Paris, France; 3IRD, Montpellier, France; 4WHO, Geneva, Switzerland 5IRD, Geneva, Switzerland.This study proposes a method for computing the distributions of mortality risk attributable to malnutrition among children of developing countries. Population distributions of nutritional status were adjusted with a normal curve and the relation between mortality and nutritional status was fitted with a linear logistic model after controlling for age. The attributable risk for mortality could therefore be computed at any threshold of low nutritional status. The method was applied in Niakhar, Senegal, where a comprehensive study of the relation between nutritional status and mortality was conducted in 1983-1984 on approximately 5000 children, 6-59 mo of age. The anthropometric indicators used were Z-scores of weight-for-age, weight-for-height, height-for-age, head circumference-for-age, arm circumference-for-age, triceps skinfold-for-age, and subscapular skinfold-for-age, plus arm circumference, body mass index, and 2 composite indicators. Population attributable fraction varied according to indicators selected and ranged from 31% (head circumference) to 65% (arm circumference). The 2 composite indicators summarizing the whole nutritional status provided the same value for the population attributable fraction (59 and 60%, respectively). Classic thresholds of mild, moderate, and severe malnutrition are presented, as well as the bivariate distribution of wasting and stunting. Whatever the indicator used, mortality attributable risks appeared evenly distributed along the scale of low nutritional status. Our findings question the value of using classic thresholds of mild, moderate, and severe malnutrition (developed by clinicians for practical purposes) for nutritional epidemiology.PMID: 17056819 低的养分不良情景导致亏蚀率危机漫衍在Niakhar, Senega这个究诘提议发展中国度儿童由于养分不良发生的亏蚀漫衍的谋划措施。养分情景的东说念主口漫衍适合正常的弧线,亏蚀率和养分情景的关系是一条直线。措施在Niakhar, Senega中应用,在那处作念过对于养分情景和亏蚀率的泛泛究诘,对梗概5000个6-59个月儿童在1983-1984年间。使用东说念主体测量学年事体重、身高体重、年事身高、年事头围、年事臂围、年事三头肌皮肤褶、年事肩胛下皮肤褶、臂围、体格质料指数、2个复合指令器。2个适合指令器总结沿路养分情景提供一样的值。细小的、中度的、严重的养分不良不错知说念。岂论使用哪一种指令器,亏蚀率皆和低的养分情景相一致。咱们的发现质疑使用一流的轻度的、中度的、严重的养分不良阈值对于养分流行病的究诘。认领 7 27 28认领10,18,5118 Effects of daily ingestion of chilli on serum lipoprotein oxidation in adult men and women.Ahuja KD, Ball MJ.Laboratory studies have shown that the resistance of isolated LDL-cholesterol or linoleic acid to oxidation is increased in incubations with chilli extracts or capsaicin--the active ingredient of chilli. It is unknown if these in vitro antioxidative effects also occur in the serum of individuals eating chilli regularly. The present study investigated the effects of regular consumption of chilli on in vitro serum lipoprotein oxidation and total antioxidant status (TAS) in healthy adult men and women. In a randomised cross-over study, twenty-seven participants (thirteen men and fourteen women) ate 'freshly chopped chilli' blend (30 g/d; 55% cayenne chilli) and no chilli (bland) diets, for 4 weeks each. Use of other spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, garlic and mustard, was restricted to minimum amounts. At the end of each dietary period serum samples were analysed for lipids, lipoproteins, TAS and Cu-induced lipoprotein oxidation. Lag time (before initiation of oxidation) and rate of oxidation (slope of propagation phase) were calculated. There was no difference in the serum lipid, lipoproteins and TAS at the end of the two dietary periods. In the whole group, the rate of oxidation was significantly lower (mean difference -0.23 absorbance x10(-3)/min; P=0.04) after the chilli diet, compared with the bland diet. In women, lag time was higher (mean difference 9.61 min; P<0.001) after the chilli diet, compared with the bland diet. In conclusion, regular consumption of chilli for 4 weeks increases the resistance of serum lipoproteins to oxidation.PMID: 16923216成东说念主日常辣椒摄入对血浆脂卵白氧化效应的影响实验究诘标明在培育组织细胞中加入干辣椒索要物或者辣素能提上下密度脂卵白或者亚油酸抗氧化作用.进食辣椒后对东说念主体内血清脂卵白有否抗氧化效应还未知.本究诘成东说念主惯例进食辣椒血清脂卵白氧化作用和总的抗氧化状态(TAS).在未必的交叉履行究诘中,27个受试者(男13东说念主,女14东说念主)差别吃清新辣酱 (30 g/d; 含55% 辣椒粉)和清淡(无辣椒)饮食,其他调味品如桂皮,姜,大蒜和芥末贬抑在最小花消量.每次时候 4周.在4周末差别抽血检测血脂,脂卵白,TAS和铜请示的脂卵白氧化作用.谋划氧化滞后时候和氧化率.两个饮食阶段血脂,脂卵白,TAS无显耀各异.在举座受试者中与清淡饮食比较, 吃辣酱4周以后氧化率显耀裁减. 氧化滞后时候较长.论断:4周惯例辣椒饮食能增多血清脂卵白的抗氧化作用.51 Fish intake, contaminants, and human health: evaluating the risks and the benefits.Mozaffarian D, Rimm EB.CONTEXT: Fish (finfish or shellfish) may have health benefits and also contain contaminants, resulting in confusion over the role of fish consumption in a healthy diet. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: We searched MEDLINE, governmental reports, and meta-analyses, supplemented by hand reviews of references and direct investigator contacts, to identify reports published through April 2006 evaluating (1) intake of fish or fish oil and cardiovascular risk, (2) effects of methylmercury and fish oil on early neurodevelopment, (3) risks of methylmercury for cardiovascular and neurologic outcomes in adults, and (4) health risks of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls in fish. We concentrated on studies evaluating risk in humans, focusing on evidence, when available, from randomized trials and large prospective studies. When possible, meta-analyses were performed to characterize benefits and risks most precisely. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Modest consumption of fish (eg, 1-2 servings/wk), especially species higher in the n-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), reduces risk of coronary death by 36% (95% confidence interval, 20%-50%; P<.001) and total mortality by 17% (95% confidence interval, 0%-32%; P = .046) and may favorably affect other clinical outcomes. Intake of 250 mg/d of EPA and DHA appears sufficient for primary prevention. DHA appears beneficial for, and low-level methylmercury may adversely affect, early neurodevelopment. Women of childbearing age and nursing mothers should consume 2 seafood servings/wk, limiting intake of selected species. Health effects of low-level methylmercury in adults are not clearly established; methylmercury may modestly decrease the cardiovascular benefits of fish intake. A variety of seafood should be consumed; individuals with very high consumption (> or =5 servings/wk) should limit intake of species highest in mercury levels. Levels of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls in fish are low, and potential carcinogenic and other effects are outweighed by potential benefits of fish intake and should have little impact on choices or consumption of seafood (women of childbearing age should consult regional advisories for locally caught freshwater fish). CONCLUSIONS: For major health outcomes among adults, based on both the strength of the evidence and the potential magnitudes of effect, the benefits of fish intake exceed the potential risks. For women of childbearing age, benefits of modest fish intake, excepting a few selected species, also outweigh risks.PMID: 17047219评估食鱼及鱼体内欺凌物对东说念主体健康带来的获益和风险配景,食鱼有益于健康,因其可能受欺凌,在健康饮食中地位与作用众说纷纭.字据网络:自动搜索2006年4月medline,政府报说念和集中分析,手工搜索参考文件及平直从看望者网络信息.评估(1)鱼和鱼油摄入与心血管疾病风险(2)鱼体内汞类化合物和鱼油对婴儿早期神经发育的影响(3) 鱼体内汞类化合物对成东说念主心血管,神经系统疾病的风险.(4)鱼体内二噁英类化合物和多氯联苯(PCBs)对东说念主体健康的风险.咱们主要网络未必履行和大限制的前瞻性究诘数据评估鱼类欺凌物对东说念主类健康的风险.数据合因素析成果:限制吃鱼(1-2次/周),尤其是富含EPA和DHA的鱼类,裁减心血管疾病亏蚀风险36%,总发病风险17%.对于一级珍藏,每天摄入EPA和DHA250mg实足.对早期婴儿神经发育, 摄入DHA是有益的,鱼体内低度汞类化合物含量能逆转DHA的效应.妊妇和哺乳期妇女应该每周消费2次海鲜,截止在吃不错选择的鱼类. 鱼体内低度汞类化合物含量对成东说念主体健康影响不易详情, 鱼体内汞类化合物会限制裁减食鱼对心血管疾病获益率.常常食鱼的东说念主(≧5次/周)截止摄入含汞水平高的鱼类.由于鱼体内二噁英类化合物和多氯联苯(PCBs)含量低,食鱼带来的获益远巨大于潜在致癌和其他不良效应,是以对吃鱼种类选择和消费量影响很小.论断:通过大批的灵验的成东说念主健康数据来看,吃鱼的获益大于潜在风险.对妊妇来说亦然如斯,少数鱼类之外.10 High phosphorus intakes acutely and negatively affect Ca and bone metabolism in a dose-dependent manner in healthy young females.Kemi VE, Karkkainen MU, Lamberg-Allardt CJ.Ca and P are both essential nutrients for bone and are known to affect one of the most important regulators of bone metabolism, parathyroid hormone (PTH). Too ample a P intake, typical of Western diets, could be deleterious to bone through the increased PTH secretion. Few controlled dose-response studies are available on the effects of high P intake in man. We studied the short-term effects of four P doses on Ca and bone metabolism in fourteen healthy women, 20-28 years of age, who were randomized to four controlled study days; thus each study subject served as her own control. P supplement doses of 0 (placebo), 250, 750 or 1500 mg were taken, divided into three doses during the study day. The meals served were exactly the same during each study day and provided 495 mg P and 250 mg Ca. The P doses affected the serum PTH (S-PTH) in a dose-dependent manner (P=0.0005). There was a decrease in serum ionized Ca concentration only in the highest P dose (P=0.004). The marker of bone formation, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, decreased (P=0.05) and the bone resorption marker, N-terminal telopeptide of collagen type I, increased in response to the P doses (P=0.05). This controlled dose-response study showed that P has a dose-dependent effect on S-PTH and increases PTH secretion significantly when Ca intake is low. Acutely high P intake adversely affects bone metabolism by decreasing bone formation and increasing bone resorption, as indicated by the bone metabolism markers.正长年青女性急性高磷摄入对钙水良善骨代谢的不利影响 无人不晓,钙和磷是骨代谢的必需两大养分元素.并影响骨代谢伏击退换因子—甲状旁腺激素的分泌.典型的西方饮食—大批磷摄入,会增多PTH分泌而对骨代谢带来不利影响.严格贬抑的剂量效应究诘高磷摄入对东说念主体的影响文件报说念很少.本实验咱们究诘14名正常女性(20-28岁) 4个不同剂量磷摄入量对钙水良善骨代谢的短期效应,均投入4次贬抑究诘(每次24h,1次/周),未必分到不同剂量磷摄入组,磷的摄入量分四组, 0 (placebo), 250, 750 和 1500 mg.,通盘究诘流程每天膳食相通同期给以P495 mg Ca250 mg,成果;磷以剂量依赖效应影响血清PTH分泌.仅在P最高摄入量血清Ca2+浓度裁减.跟着摄入磷剂量升高,骨酿成特异性象征物碱性磷酸酶下落,骨接管象征物胶原Ⅰ型N-氨基结尾肽升高.本实验究诘标明P对S-PTH分泌呈剂量依赖效应,钙摄入低, PTH分泌显然增多.从骨代谢象征物检测数据来看,高磷摄入通过裁减骨酿成,耕种骨接管对骨代谢带来不利影响.认领19,20认领8,920 Effect of vitamin D supplementation on vitamin D status and bone turnover markers in young adults.Barnes MS, Robson PJ, Bonham MP, Strain JJ, Wallace JM.Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, UK.OBJECTIVE: To assess the vitamin D status of healthy young people living in Northern Ireland and the effect of vitamin D supplementation on vitamin D status and bone turnover. DESIGN: Double-blinded randomised controlled intervention study. SETTING: University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland. SUBJECTS: In total, 30 apparently healthy students (15 male and 15 female subjects), aged 18-27 years, were recruited from the university, with 27 completing the intervention. INTERVENTIONS: Subjects were randomly assigned, to receive either 15 microg (600 IU) vitamin D and 1,500 mg calcium/day (vitamin D group), or 1,500 mg calcium/day (control group) for 8 weeks between January and March. Vitamin D status, bone turnover markers, serum calcium and parathyroid hormone concentrations were measured at baseline and post intervention. RESULTS: At baseline, vitamin D status was low in both the vitamin D group (47.9 (s.d. 16.0)) and the control group (55.5 (s.d. 18.6) nmol/l 25(OH)D). Post intervention vitamin D status was significantly higher in the vitamin D-treated group (86.5 (s.d. 24.5)) compared to the control group (48.3 (s.d. 16.8) nmol/l) (P<0.0001). There was no significant effect of supplementation on bone turnover markers or PTH concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that young adults in Northern Ireland do not consume an adequate daily dietary intake of vitamin D to maintain plasma vitamin D concentrations in the wintertime. A daily supplement of 15 microg vitamin D(3) significantly increased vitamin D status in these individuals to levels of sufficiency. Achievement of an optimum vitamin D status among young adults may have future positive health implications.PMID: 16391584 年青成东说念主补充VitD对血液VitD状态和骨代谢的影响目的:评估居住北爱尔兰年青成东说念主血液VitD状态,补充VitD后对其和骨代谢影响.遐想:双盲的未必烦嚣性究诘.地点:北爱尔兰Ulster大学.受试者:30个健康学生(15男15女,年事18-27岁),27东说念主完满参与本实验.烦嚣:受试者未必分到15微克VitD(3)+ 1,500 mg Ca/天(VitD组)或者1,500 mg Ca/天 (对照组).络续时候为8周,1月—3月.在实验前后差别抽血检测血清VitD,骨代谢象征物,血清钙,和甲状旁腺激素(PTH).成果:在实验前,两组的血清VitD浓度皆低.烦嚣后比拟较对照,VitD组血清VitD浓度显耀增高(P<0.0001),给药对骨代谢象征物和甲状旁腺激素(PTH)无显耀影响.论断:本究诘自满冬季北爱尔兰年青成东说念主从日常饮食摄取的VitD不可守护机体正常需要.需逐日补充15微克.守护VitD妥贴水平必将对畴昔的健康道理久了.第四色官网