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    你的位置:韩国主播 > 麻豆 肛交 > 91 麻豆 【看川普推特学英文】拜登眷属财务不解 川普要求退选

    91 麻豆 【看川普推特学英文】拜登眷属财务不解 川普要求退选

    发布日期:2024-08-27 13:26    点击次数:202

    91 麻豆 【看川普推特学英文】拜登眷属财务不解 川普要求退选

    【大纪元2019年10月09日讯】2020年好意思国总统大选行将在来岁的11月3日举行,诚然还有长达一年的时刻,但两党主要竞争敌手91 麻豆,齐早已蠢蠢欲动,进行着各式造势与筹谋的行动,以拉抬阵容。现任总统川普,除了永久备受反对党在政事上的抹黑与摧毁(Witch Hunt),还碰到大宗主流媒体的偏颇报导。近日,川普总统干脆我方在推特上发文,指出民主党角逐总统大选提名的候选东说念主乔.拜登(Joe Biden)说过的流言,供选民一齐来检视它的真实性。


    It is INCREDIBLE to watch and read the Fake News and how they pull out all stops to protect Sleepy Joe Biden and his thrown out of the Military son, Hunter, who was handed $100,000 a month (Plus,Plus) from a Ukrainian based company, even though he had no experience in energy,…

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2019年10月6日

    【译文】 难以置信地不雅看和阅读假新闻媒体,如何竭尽所能、企图保护“倦困的乔.拜登”偏执遭舟师解职的女儿韩特。即使韩特莫得动力筹谋提醒,每月仍可从一家乌克兰(动力)公司,获取每个月跳动10万好意思元收入;

    ….and separately got 1.5 Billion Dollars from China despite no experience and for no apparent reason. There is NO WAY these can be legitimate transactions? As lawyers & others have stated, as President, I have an OBLIGATION to look into possible, or probable, CORRUPTION!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2019年10月6日

    【译文】 (接前文)尽管莫得提醒,更莫得显着的原由,也从中国拿走了15亿好意思元。这些所得不行能是透过正当交易!正如讼师偏执他东说念主士所说,身为总统,我有义务、株连对可能的贪腐,进行造访!

    The Biden family was PAID OFF, pure and simple! The fake news must stop making excuses for something that is totally inexcusable. Sleepy Joe said he never spoke to the Ukrainian company, and then the picture came out where he was playing golf with the company boss and Hunter…..

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2019年10月6日

    【译文】 节略易懂,拜登眷属被收买了!假新闻必须罢手为完全不行宥恕的事情找借口。倦困的乔说,他从未与乌克兰公司有过对话,但是这张相片却阐发,他正与该公司雇主、女儿韩特打高尔夫球。

    ….And by the way, I would LOVE running against 1% Joe Biden – I just don’t think it’s going to happen. Sleepy Joe won’t get to the starting gate, & based on all of the money he & his family probably “extorted91 麻豆,” Joe should hang it up. I wouldn’t want him dealing with China & U!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2019年10月6日

    【译文】 趁便一提,我很乐意和领有1%撑合手度的乔.拜登竞争总统-我仅仅认为这应该不会发生。倦困的乔应该没契机到达起先(通过民主党初选),何况还有他和家东说念主可能侵占了历程“敲诈”来的财富,基于这点,乔应该退选。我可不但愿他与中国和乌克兰不息打交说念!

    【单字/词理会】 ● pull out all (the) stops,动词词组,尽最大努力成立… 自然发音:pull out all the stops 英解:to do everything you can to make something successful 例句:We’re going to pull out all the stops to get this show ready in time.(咱们会死力在时限内,让这场上演就绪。) 用法:从字面上看情愿,“将通盘的报复齐抽离”,实验动“竭尽所能、任重道远”。

    ● hand,动词/hænd/将…交给 自然发音:hand 英解:to put something into someone’s hand from your own hand 例句:The waiter smiled politely as he handed me my bill.(干事生带着法则地含笑,递给我账单。) 用法:Hand over,交代,例:Hong Kong was handed over to China in 1997 by Britain.(香港于1997年由英邦交代给中国。)

    上交、提交,hand in,举例:I’ve decided to hand in my resignation.(我已决定递交职辞信。)

    ● legitimate,刻画词/lɪˈdʒɪtəmət/正大的、正当的 自然发音:le-GI-ti-mate 英解:fair and reasonable 例句:It is perfectly legitimate to ask questions about a politician’s personal life.(为了解政事东说念主物的个东说念主糊口,提议筹谋问题,完全通力合作。) 用法:同义字,如:fair, reasonable, unbiased etc. 也可缩写为“legit.”白话上也常说“legit.”,I checked him out;he’s legit.(我已稽查过他了;他是正当的(真的)。)

    ● transaction,名词/trænˈzækʃ(ə)n/交易 自然发音:tran-SAC-tion 英解:the action or process of buying or selling something 例句:Investors feel the company is entering into too many risky transactions.(投资者认为公司正进行太多风险高的交易。) 用法:进行交易,perform a transaction。financial transaction(财务交易)、commercial or business transaction(营业交易)。

    ● obligation,名词/ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/株连 自然发音:ob-li-GA-tion 英解:something that you must do for legal or moral reasons 例句:Buyers have no legal obligation to disclose personal financial information.(买方莫得法律义务需泄露个东说念主财务信息。) 用法:肖似用字:responsibility, accountability, duty etc. “Under no obligation” to do…,莫得义务要…,例:If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to (= it is not necessary to) pay them any money.(若是你莫得签约,你就莫得义务要付他们钱。)

    ● look into,动词词组,研究、造访 自然发音:LOOK into 英解:to examine the facts about a problem or situation 例句:We’re looking into the possibility of getting to New York for her wedding.(咱们正在研究去纽约参预她婚典的可能性。) 用法:肖似用法:to investigate, to dig into, to look up etc. 咱们常会“趁便望望”,英文可用look in,举例,Can you look in on the kids before going to bed?(睡前,你不错趁便望望孩子们吗?)

    ● corruption,名词/kəˈrʌpʃ(ə)n/贪腐(用权益以获取财富) 自然发音:co-RRUP-tion 英解:dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials or people in positions of power, especially when they accept money in exchange for doing things for someone 例句:The bureaucracy of the government was a hotbed of corruption.(政府的官僚体系是恶臭的温床。) 用法:corrupt,说念德报复的,The old, corrupt, and totalitarian regime will be overthrown very soon.(这个旧的、恶臭的、极权倡导的政权,很快就会被推翻。) totalitarian/təʊˌtælɪˈteəriən/to-ta-li-TA-rian,极权倡导的。overthrow=defeat,推翻、打倒。

    ● inexcusable,刻画词 /ˌɪnɪkˈskjuːzəb(ə)l/无法宥恕的 自然发音:in-ex-CU-sa-ble 英解:(of behaviour) too bad to be accepted or to be forgiven 例句:It’s inexcusable that such a young child was left in the car alone.(将一个小孩独自留在车里,果然不行宥恕。) 用法:excuse v.,宥恕…,例:Please excuse me for arriving late.(请宥恕我的迟到。) excuse n.,借口,例:You always make excuses for making a mistake.(你老是为我方的作假找诸多借口。)

    ● extort,动词/ɪkˈstɔː(r)t/敲诈、敲诈 自然发音:ex-TOR-t 英解:to illegally get money or information from someone by using force or threats 例句:Gangsters have been extorting money from local businessmen.(帮派份子合手续在向当地生意东说念主敲诈财富(索求保护费)。) 用法:to abduct v. 绑架,to blackmail v. 寄黑函(被恫吓、被敲诈),例:They used the old photos to blackmail her into giving out a lot of money.(他们用旧相片向她敲诈许多钱。)

    ● hang up,动词词组,毁掉 自然发音:hang-UP 英解:to stop using and needing something because you have given up the sport or activity it is used for 例句:Joe has decided it’s time to hang up his golf clubs.(乔已决定高挂他的高尔夫球杆退休了。) 用法:to hang up v.,挂断电话,例:Please don’t hang up on me.(请不要挂我电话。) to hang up sb’s hat v.,退休,例:I am worried that I will get a ton of work on me because my boss decides to hang up his hat.(我转头会有爆量的职责落在我身上,因为我雇主决定退休了。)

    【配景学问】 ● Joe Bide(乔.拜登) 出身于1942年11月20日,从1973年到2009年,拜登为德拉瓦州(Deleware)的有计划员,并在2013年,担任第47届好意思国副总统(时任总统为欧巴马),现为欲角逐2020年总统的民主党候选东说念主之一。(参考维基百科)

    而“Sleepy Joe Bide”(打盹儿的乔.拜登)是川普替拜登取的花名,朝笑他言语时语调普通,以至打结,令东说念主昏头昏脑。之前川普称2016年的竞选敌手、好意思国前国务卿希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)为“骗子希拉蕊”(Crooked Hillary),指涉“电邮门”与联贯俄罗斯等丑闻。川普也称北韩疏导东说念主金正恩是“小火箭东说念主”(Little Rocket Man),诚然毒舌却很尖锐。

    ● Hunter Biden (韩特.拜登) 全名为 Robert Hunter Biden (罗伯.韩特.拜登),出身于1970年2月4日,功绩为讼师、说客、商东说念主等。2013年5月,韩特被遴择为舟师筹谋役直属官员,由他的爸爸乔.拜登在白宫躬行替他主合手宣誓庆典,隔月却爆出因吸食古柯碱,验出呈阳性,遭到解职。(参考维基百科)

    ● 标谤门、通乌门、电话门 指2019年9月,民主党疏导的众议院对川普发起标谤造访。启事是同庚8月,好意思国谍报局代理局长约瑟夫‧马奎尔(Joseph Maguire)收到谍报东说念主员的匿名揭发,传揭发实质是总统对番邦政府施压,要求造访现任总统候选东说念主偏执家东说念主在番邦的贪腐指控。


    《华尔街日报》9月20日报导,川普7月致电乌克兰总统泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskiy)时,在电话上施压对方造访拜登小女儿韩了得任乌克兰自然气公司“Brisma控股”董事本事是否涉贪,并表露以2.5亿好意思金的军事营救手脚交换。



    【慎想明辨】 你不错针对以下议题进行讲演,以至写一篇英文随笔,训诫英文写稿或是白话抒发。

    ● 选举快要,咱们总会看到、听到许多对于候选东说念主的话题,好的、坏的、职责上的、私下面的。您认为,身为公众名东说念主或政事东说念主物,是否应该被社会全球检会(包含私糊口)?为什么?

    ● 常听东说念主说,尊重职责专科,或专科的单干,不错创造出更好的效果与效劳。一个东说念主或政事东说念主物的职责专科,不错从那里判断、算计?哪些要素您以为至关进犯?为什么?

    ● 民主国度,历程全民投票的机制,选出为东说念主民作念事的政府与人心代表。自然,选贤任能,就尤为进犯!您认为,如何从广博的候选东说念主中,选出优秀东说念主选?或是有哪些客不雅条目,不错老是拿来手脚检视候选东说念主的阅历适当或正大性呢?有莫得一些条目是占完全举足轻重的地位呢?

    筹谋单字:election n. (选举)、topic n. (话题)、politician n. (政事东说念主物)、exame v. (检视)、expertise n. (专科)、estimate v. (评估)、characteristic n. (特质) vote v. (投票)、select out v. (选出)、objective adj. (客不雅的)、qualified adj. (阅历适当的)、significantly-important adj. (举足轻重的)91 麻豆